Palm is kicking off the new year with an all-new site (worthy of an entirely new platform, perhaps?), and while that's not really news in and of itself, it's interesting to see that they've now completely cleansed the most visible pages of traditional PDAs -- you know, those crazy things palm made its name building. The move was expected since Colligan announced last year that they'd be moving to a phone-only model, but what wasn't expected was the optical illusion Palm's trying to pull here. Seriously, the depth of field makes the 800w looks like an 800w nano, which, you know, isn't an entirely accurate representation.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Palm's new website devoid of dedicated PDAs
Palm is kicking off the new year with an all-new site (worthy of an entirely new platform, perhaps?), and while that's not really news in and of itself, it's interesting to see that they've now completely cleansed the most visible pages of traditional PDAs -- you know, those crazy things palm made its name building. The move was expected since Colligan announced last year that they'd be moving to a phone-only model, but what wasn't expected was the optical illusion Palm's trying to pull here. Seriously, the depth of field makes the 800w looks like an 800w nano, which, you know, isn't an entirely accurate representation.